Library: ODBC
Returns: Numeric
An SQL return code. The following values may be returned:
- SQL_SUCCESS (the current field settings or values).
- SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO (the current field settings or values, but a message was issued).
- SQL_ERROR (an error occurred).
- SQL_INVALID_HANDLE (the handle is invalid).
- SQL_NO_DATA (no data is available).
Declaration define external counter function SQLGetDescRec
( read-only SQL_handle_type DescriptorHandle,
value counter RecNumber,
modifiable stream Name,
value counter BufferLength,
modifiable counter StringLength,
modifiable counter Type,
modifiable counter SubType,
modifiable counter Length,
modifiable counter Precision,
modifiable counter Scale,
modifiable counter Nullable )
Returns the current settings or values of multiple fields of a descriptor record. The fields returned describe the name, data type, and storage of column or parameter data.
Input arguments:
- DescriptorHandle.
- RecNumber. Indicates the descriptor record from which the application seeks information. Descriptor records are numbered from zero; record number 0 is the bookmark record. If the FieldIdentifier argument indicates a header field, RecNumber is ignored. If the row does not contain data for a column or parameter, the default values of the fields are returned.
- BufferLength. The maximum length of Name.
Output arguments:
- Name. The SQL_DESC_NAME field for the descriptor record.
- StringLength. The returned length of Name.
- Type. The SQL_DESC_TYPE field for the descriptor record.
- SubType. For records whose type is SQL_DATETIME or SQL_INTERVAL, this is the value of the SQL_DESC_DATETIME_INTERVAL field.
- Length. The SQL_DESC_OCTET_LENGTH field for the descriptor record.
- Precision. The SQL_DESC_PRECISION field for the descriptor record.
- Scale. The SQL_DESC_SCALE field for the descriptor record.
- Nullable. The SQL_DESC_NULLABLE field for the descriptor record.
Generated: April 21, 1999 at 2:01:18 pm
If you have any comments about this section of the documentation, send email to [email protected]
Copyright © OmniMark Technologies Corporation, 1988-1999.