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OmniMark CI 4.0 installation procedure (OpenVMS Alpha) | |||||
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Use the following procedure to install OmniMark 4.0 software and examples on an OpenVMS Alpha workstation. You will need administrator privileges on the computer you will be installing OmniMark on. OmniMark 4.0 is configured to run in authorized mode only, requiring you to install or properly update the proper FLEXlm License Manager software or your license manager server machine. Overview of the license manager.
Use the following command to create a new direcotry to contain the OmniMark software and examples:
create/directory sys$common:[omnimark]
This guide uses sys$common:[omnimark]
as the pathname of the installation directory. If you use a different pathname, then substitute your pathname wherever you see sys$common:[omnimark]
After you have made the new directory, change to that directory:
set default sys$common:[omnimark]
Copy the installation files from the CD-ROM
Copy the files "om40.zip" and "unzip.exe" from the "vmsalpha" subdirectory of the CD-ROM.
Unpack and install the software
Unpack the "om40.zip" file with the following commands:
unzip == "$sys$common:[omnimark]unzip.exe" unzip om40.zip del unzip.exe;* del om40.zip;*
To run OmniMark from any directory, you will need to define a logical name to "omnimark.exe":
omnimark == "$sys$common:[omnimark]omnimark.exe"
The system administrator can add this definition to all OmniMark users' login scripts. The access permissions of the "omnimark.exe" and sampler files should also be set to Read and Execute by your system administrator.
To configure your system to communicate with the license manager, set the symbolic name "OMNIMARK_LICENSE_FILE" to the full pathname of the license file. For example, to set the license file to "myvol:[mydir]myflexlm.dat", you can add the following line to each user's "login.com":
OMNIMARK_LICENSE_FILE := "myvol:[mydir]my_flexlm.dat"
Test installation and authorization
After installing the license manager software, you can test that OmniMark can successfully communicate with the license manager by running the "test.xom" script. This script appears in the top level of the OmniMark installation directory and can be run with the following command line, assuming that a symbol has already been defined (as above) for the OmniMark executable:
omnimark -s test.xom
If you receive "success" as an output, OmniMark can successfully communicate with the license manager.
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