An internal error was triggered when debugging a program containing a If fields of a A scanning datascope was not being created when a The The Garbage could appear at the end of a When debugging a program that imported OMFLOAT or OMBCD, the first breakable line was incorrect.
Type names for shelf literals in the global scope were not being properly initialized. This could lead to erratic behavior.
The version of Studio for OmniMark 8.2 did not allow breaking on the The Programs written using aided translation types, such as
A The The A throw collapsing an A throw from a function argument initializer could terminate
the current debugging session in OmniMark Studio. A dynamic initializer on a An The documentation plug-in for OmniMark Studio for Eclipse did
not work in Eclipse 3.3. The convert tabs to spaces preference did not have the desired effect. The EXTERNAL-DATA-ENTITY rules were not debuggable. Step Over action at the end of a coroutine would run until the end of the program The catch argument name in the variable table reflected the name used in the catch declaration. It now shows the actual argument name used in the catch block. The alias variable in REPEAT FOR, DO SELECT and DO SELECT-TYPE blocks was shown with a wrong icon in the variable table. The spelling of CommentLines and related menu options has been corrected. The CommentLines and related menu options used to remove an empty line trailing the block they operated on. Occasionally when stepping at the end of debugging
a socket read exception would occur. When debugging, highlighting of the currently executing
line would be lost when the cursor was moved within the
edit view. Occasionally the "stepping over" command would trigger an
internal error. Occasionally when starting a debug session an internal
error would occur during initialization. Switching auto-indentation settings in preferences would
occasionally result in an internal error. Occasionally using the datascope view would cause an
internal select
instance were expanded in the variable view before
stepping over an action that releases the record
instance, debugging could not continue.
arguments did not show in the variable view during debugging.
string sink
was invoked.
Use default working directory/ checkbox in
OmniMark launch configuration was always reverting to active state.
command-line option was outputting a wrong error message when used incorrectly.
end tags were duplicated in the right pane of the Parsing Sources view.
What's fixed in OmniMark Studio for Eclipse 9.0
signal throw
and put
actions.What's fixed in OmniMark Studio for Eclipse 8.2.0
global referents
entry in the variable table now appears only if the program uses referent
, could be run but not debugged in Studio for Eclipse.throw
from within a using nested-referents
scope would terminate the current debugging session in OmniMark Studio.-ftrace
option was missing from the OmniMark Studio debugger.#external-text-entity
rule was not working in the OmniMark Studio debugger.#external-test-entity
rule could terminate the current OmniMark Studio debugging
or constant
shelf could stop the Studio debugger.invalid-data
rule could cause the OmniMark Studio debugger to prematurely quit execution.What's fixed in OmniMark Studio for Eclipse 8.0.2
What's fixed in OmniMark Studio for Eclipse 8.0