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HTTP server: a simple example  


This program implements a simple HTTP file server. It can be used with any web browser (including Lynx) . The server sends to the browser the contents of a named file, in an HTML or other format. The server also creates a log file containing the date, time, and IP address of each visit, as well as some details about which file was requested.

The program creates a TCP service on a given port, which the server uses to wait for an HTTP request. Once the server receives a request, the client's IP address is recorded in the log file ("simpserv.log"). The server then checks the requested file. If the file contains the shutdown command, the server terminates and sends a message to the browser indicating that the server has been shut down.

If the file does not contain the shutdown command, the server checks for the requested file. If no such file exists, an error message is recorded in the log file, and the response to the client is a "404 File Not Found" error message. If the file is found, the contents are loaded into the entity-body of the response, and then sent to the client. This transaction is now complete, and the server waits for the next one.


  ; Copyright, (c) 1998 by OmniMark Technologies Corporation
  ; All Rights Reserved

  ; This example illustrates the OmniMark implementation for a simple 
  ; HTTP server. This example may be run with OMLE. All file requests
  ; to the server are recorded in a log file. The server configuration,
  ; service port, log file name, file root dir and shutdown command
  ; can be specified on the command line.
  ; ex. OMLE -s simpserv.xom -c SvcPort 1080 -d RootDir "/http/files"
  ; OmniMark libraries: The HTTP library makes use of both the I/O 
  ; Protocol library and the TCP library, so both must be included in
  ; the order they appear here. 
  declare function-library "omioprot"
  include ""
  declare function-library "omtcp"
  include ""
  include ""

  ; macro for message display
  macro DisplayLog is
     put (#ERROR & OutFile) date "=Y/=M/=D =H:=m:=s " ||

  ; server config - alternate values can be specified on command line 
  ; if desired. 
  global counter SvcPort initial {80}             ; service port number
  global stream  RootDir initial {"."}            ; WWW root file dir
  global stream  ExitCmd initial {"shutdown"}     ; request to stop server
  global stream  LogFile initial {"simpserv.log"} ; log file

  ; other global variables
  global TCPService this-service; identifies the TCP service
  global stream PathSep initial {mhttp_unixdirdelim}; refers to ; macros in that specify the path delimiters for various ; platforms
  global stream OutFile; creates the stream that will write to the log file


  ; start recording
  ; attaches the 
  reopen OutFile as file LogFile

  ; initialize the service
  set this-service to TCPServiceOpen at SvcPort
  DisplayLog "Server started on port %d(SvcPort)%n"

  ; set the path separator for the platfom. The default platform is UNIX. This action will determine the platform that is being run and choose the appropriate path separator.
  set PathSep to mhttp_dosdirdelim
        when #PLATFORM-INFO matches ("ms-dos"|"OS2"|"Windows")

  ; loop for request: Sets the service to await a request.
     ; local variables
     local HttpRequest   Request; creates the request shelf
     local HttpResponse  Response; creates the response shelf
     local TCPConnection this-connection
     local switch        Continue initial {true}

     ; get a request
     		this-service receive Request connection this-connection
     DisplayLog TCPConnectionGetPeerIP this-connection || "%n"

     ; check the requested file
     do scan Request key "path"
        ; if the file is the shutdown command, this will shut down the server
        match [mhttp_dirdelim] ul(ExitCmd)
           set Response key "entity-body" to
                 "<html><body><h1>Server Shutdown</h1></body></html>"
           set Continue to false
        match [any except "#"]*=> FileName "#"? any*=>FilePos
           ; sets the path separator to the correct one for the platform in use
           local stream PlatformFile
           open Platformfile as buffer
           using output as PlatformFile
           repeat scan RootDir||FileName
              match [any except mhttp_httpdirdelim]+=>nondelim
                 output nondelim
              match mhttp_httpdirdelim
                 output PathSep
           close PlatformFile

           DisplayLog "Request for file %"%g(PlatformFile)%"%n"

           ; check for the file existence
           do when file PlatformFile exists
              ; if the file exists, put its contents into the HTTP response shelf and write to the log that this has been done   
              DisplayLog "Sending file %"%g(PlatformFile)%"%n"
              set Response key "entity-body" to file PlatformFile
              ; if the file is not found, note this in the log and place an error report on the HTTP response shelf.  
              DisplayLog "File not found%n"
              set Response key "status-code" to "404"
              set Response key "reason-phrase" to "File Not Found"
              set Response key "entity-body" to
                 "<html><body><h1>File not found</h1></body></html>"

     ; send the response
     HttpConnectionSendResponse this-connection send Response

     ; exit if request
     exit when not Continue

  DisplayLog "Server stopped%n"
  close OutFile



Generated: April 21, 1999 at 2:01:42 pm
If you have any comments about this section of the documentation, send email to [email protected]

Copyright © OmniMark Technologies Corporation, 1988-1999.