define external counter function SQLDrivers
( read-only SQL_handle_type EnvironmentHandle,
value counter Direction,
modifiable stream DriverDescription,
value counter BufferLength1,
modifiable counter DescriptionLength,
modifiable stream DriverAttributes,
value counter BufferLength2,
modifiable counter AttributesLength )
Lists driver descriptions and attribute keywords.
Input arguments:
- EnvironmentHandle.
- Direction. Determines whether to fetch the next driver description in the list (SQL_FETCH_NEXT) or the search starts from the beginning of the list (SQL_FETCH_FIRST).
- BufferLength1. The maximum length of DriverDescription.
- BufferLength2. The maximum length of DriverAtributes.
Output arguments:
- DriverDescription. The returned driver description.
- DescriptionLength. The returned length of DriverDescription.
- DriverAttributes. The buffer of the driver attribute value pairs.
- AttributesLength. The returned length of DriverAttributes.