namecase entity
Full Description
  namecase entity (yes | no)


In SGML, the Reference Concrete Syntax specifies that entity names are treated differently than the names of other SGML objects. By default, lowercase letters in entity names are not converted to uppercase. In other words, capitalization is usually significant for entity names.

Similarly, OmniMark assumes capitalization is significant within SGML entity names that are used in an OmniMark program. This treatment parallels the SGML declaration of the Reference Concrete Syntax.

The SGML parser's treatment of entity names can be modified using a namecase entity declaration in the SGML declaration. namecase entity yes means that lowercase letters should be mapped to uppercase letters, and namecase entity no means that they should not.

As with the namecase general declaration, this declaration only affects the processing of names in the OmniMark program, not parsing of the SGML document. The namecase entity declaration must follow the translation type and precede all other declarations and rules in the program.

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