A shelf used to store compiled SGML DTDs as items. These items are created and used as follows:
- Compiling an sgml-dtds item (
document or subdocument with creating ) sets an item of the shelf to be the compiled DTD. It creates the item if it did not previously exist.
- Parsing an instance or instance part (
instance or element-content ) uses an item of the sgml-dtds shelf. An item of this shelf can be used any number of times. Items can even be used simultaneously for nested do sgml-parse actions.
Most common accesses, shelf actions, and tests can be performed on the sgml-dtds shelf. These include the following:
- Items can be accessed using the
^ (key ) indexing form, but not @ (item ). An sgml-dtds item, however, can only be used in a do sgml-parse action.
- Items cannot be removed from the shelf using
remove .
clear sgml-dtds permanently removes all compiled DTDs from the shelf.
The action new can't be applied to the sgml-dtds shelf. The creating option of do sgml-parse adds items to the sgml-dtds shelf. In addition, none of the other shelf modification operations are allowed with the sgml-dtds shelf, except that you can remove all complied DTDs using clear .
sgml-dtds can be thought of as a shelf, except that item values can't be created or used except by do sgml-parse (for example, you can't output a compiled DTD).
dtds is a deprecated synonym for sgml-dtds .