% format-modifier a(counter-name)
The "%a" format item represents the value of a counter item as a letter in the usual alphabetic sequence. A value of 1 would be represented as "a", 2 as "b", etc.
If the value of the counter item is greater than 26, then a multi-character string would be generated. For example, 27 would be represented as "aa", 28 as "ab", 29 as "ac", etc.
If the value of the counter is zero, the digit "0" is output instead of a letter. If the value of the specified counter is negative, a minus sign prefixes the generated alphabetic code.
The following modifiers can be used with the "%a" format:
- "j": The "j" modifier causes the letters "i", "l", and "o" to be omitted from the alphabetic sequence. This is a convention frequently used in environments where these letters might be confused with the digits "1" and "0". For example, suppose that the value of counter "i" is 9. Processed by "%ua(i)", the value appears as "I". However, if the format "%uja(i)" is used, the value will be "J".
- "l": The "l" modifier causes lowercase characters to be used. Since this is the default, the "l" can always be omitted. The programmer can use the "l" modifier to emphasize to the reader that lowercase letters are being used. The "l" modifier cannot be used with the "u" modifier.
- "u": The "u" modifier causes uppercase characters to be used when outputting the counter value. The "u" modifier cannot be used with the "l" modifier.
- "w": The "w" modifier changes the convention for representing values greater than 26 so that 27 is represented as "aa", 28 as "bb", 29 as "cc", 53 as "aaa", and so on.
- "number f": The field-width modifier is allowed with the "%a" format.The "f" modifier requires a preceding positive number. If the number is less than the minimum number of characters needed to print the value, the modifier is ignored. If it is greater, space characters are added to the right of the value to fill it out to the field width.
- "k": This modifier is allowed when the field-width modifier is given. It causes padding to be done on the left side of the field instead of the right. The "k" modifier requires the "f" modifier.
Generated: April 21, 1999 at 2:01:01 pm
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