Debug perspective

In its default configuration, the OmniMark debug perspective consists of a number of views. You can rearrange any of these views to suit your own preferences. Most of the basic features of the OmniMark debug perspective are common Eclipse components and are documented in the Eclipse documentation. Unfortunately, much of the common debugging functionality is documented in the Java Development User Guide instead of the Workbench User Guide. Look for the information you need in that location.

Debug view

The debug view contains a list of current debug sessions, showing the status of each. You can have multiple concurrent debug sessions running simultaneously, including multiple runs of the same program, runs of different OmniMark programs, and runs of programs written in other languages.

Right clicking in the window gives you the options to terminate, remove, or relaunch items in the list.

The title bar of the debug window contains the buttons to step, resume, suspend and terminate a debug session. These actions are also available on the run menu.

Variables view

Displays selected variables in the currently running program. Variables are displayed in a tree view, which allows you to display or conceal the items on a shelf. Local variables are marked with an L, globals with a G, referents with an R, function parameters with a P, and constants with a C. Right click on a variable to control how it is displayed and to set a watch on that variable. Watched variables are displayed in the expressions view.

Breakpoints view

Displays the breakpoints in your program. Note that if you have more than one program that you are debugging, the breakpoints for all active programs will be shown here.

Expressions view

The expressions window is used to display watched variables. While Java debugging supports the watching of complex expressions, and the view includes an expression editor, OmniMark debugging only supports the watching of individual variables. Although you can enter expressions, they will not be evaluated or watched.

Scanning sources view

The scanning sources view shows the progress of a scanning operation by coloring data as it is consumed by successful patterns.

Parsing sources view

The parsing sources view shows the progress of a markup parsing operation by coloring data as it is consumed by the parser. The left panel shows the original input source and the right panel shows how the parser has interpreted that source.

Edit view

The edit view shows your program, as well as any related files that you open. You can edit your code here. When debugging you can set breakpoints in this view and the code will be highlighted to show you the progress of execution through the program.

Console view

The console view shows the output that would have been sent to the console if your program was running on the command line.

Tasks view

The tasks view is an Eclipse feature that allows you to create a list of tasks.

Problems view

The problems view is used to display errors and warnings that are generated at compile time. You can click on the error listing to jump to the piece of code that caused the error.