Full Description
  submit string-expression


The submit action supplies the result of evaluating the specified string-expression as input to the find rules.

submit never invokes find-start or find-end rules on the submitted input. Any initialization required can be done before the submit action, and any cleanup can be done after it returns. If the same submit action must be done in a number of places in the program, it can be placed in a function.

The consequence of performing a submit while in a find-start rule (or in an external-text-entity rule which was triggered by input written to the #sgml stream inside a find-start rule) is that find rules may execute before all of the find-start rules have been processed. The programmer should ensure that any initialization required by those find rules must be complete before the submit action is performed.

Similarly, a submit action in a find-end rule may cause find rules to fire. Any cleanup required by those find rules must be done after the submit action returns.

A submit action is not permitted in an sgml-error rule. It is permitted everywhere else.

Often, submit is used to apply the find rules to the contents of files determined by the program. In those cases, the keyword file is added to the syntax (following submit), and the string-expression is used as the name of the file.

When submit is invoked on a file, it causes this chain of events:

  1. OmniMark suspends current processing.
  2. The named file is opened.
  3. find rules are immediately applied to the content of the named file, inputting data from the file as needed.
  4. When the entire input has been processed, OmniMark closes the file and resumes the suspended processing.

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