Full Description
  processing-instruction pattern condition?


A rule selected when a processing instruction occurs whose entire text matches the specified pattern and the specified condition is satisfied. As with other rules, OmniMark performs processing-instruction rules in the order in which they occur in the program.

processing-instruction rules are not permitted in cross-translations.

Suppose a document contains "<?newpage>" processing instructions. An OmniMark down-translation that processes these processing instructions could contain the following rule:

  processing-instruction "newpage"
     output "\newpage{}"

The following example illustrates recreating the original processing instruction entity reference if a processing instruction was entered with such a reference, and recreating the processing instruction itself in all other cases:

  processing-instruction named any* => pi-entity-name
     output "&%x(pi-entity-name);"
  processing-instruction valued any* => pi-text
     output ""

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