

Library: Rich Text Format (RTF) (OMRTF)
Import : omrtf.xmd

export external markup source function 
   rtf scan value string source data

Argument definitions

any OmniMark source


The rtf markup parser function parses RTF markup andgenerates a stream of markup events (that is, a markup source) that can be processed using do markup-parse.

The RTF Parser is invoked in a manner similar to OmniMark's built-in SGML and XML parsers:

  import "omrtf.xmd" unprefixed
     do markup-parse rtf scan file #args[1]
        output "%c"
  element #implied
     output "%c"

The scan argument is to provide input to the parser. It can be any OmniMark source.

The omrtf.xmd library defines the rtf markup parser function and the information that can be passed to it on invocation. The RTF parser invokes element and other OmniMark markup rules in the same manner as OmniMark's built-in parsers.

The following markup rules can be fired by the rtf parser:

Within an element rule the following items are avaialble:

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